On 12 September 2022 I'm setting off on a five day walk from North Hertfordshire to 10 Downing Street to deliver a simple message to the new Prime Minister: Stop talking…and listen to us!

We all deserve to have our voices heard by the politicians that are supposed to represent us. The next months and years seem really scary for most of us, and it’s difficult to see how future generations could possibly achieve a good life for themselves. Something desperately needs to change. Unfortunately, those in power in the UK are distracted and not actually listening to us…read more

Robyn | London stoptalking listen Robyn | London stoptalking listen

Others have left messages that eloquently outline the many changes needed so that the next generations can look forwrd to a hopeful future. Nothing can be more urgent than the climate issue and for that our government needs not only to make urgent changes here at home but to do much more to intensify and unify a global response. We will aIl have to live differently too, less wastefully and extravagantly - I think many people are willing to do that, but we need clear plans and guidance so we can act together to clean up our world and ensure it remains livable in. tt's very good that you are doing this walk, Stefanie, and delivering your message to Downing Street - thank you for taking the time and making the considerable effort involved - I hope you will feel listened to respectfully and that there is a meaningful response from the government. Go well.

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