On 12 September 2022 I'm setting off on a five day walk from North Hertfordshire to 10 Downing Street to deliver a simple message to the new Prime Minister: Stop talking…and listen to us!
We all deserve to have our voices heard by the politicians that are supposed to represent us. The next months and years seem really scary for most of us, and it’s difficult to see how future generations could possibly achieve a good life for themselves. Something desperately needs to change. Unfortunately, those in power in the UK are distracted and not actually listening to us…read more
My early adulthood has been dominated by a political landscape of division, a degradation of this countries most sacred institutions and an ever-growing sense that my generation is experiencing the first drop in living standards in centuries.
In order to combat this I would like to see the following:
A halting of the recent increased authoritarianism of this government, such the Police and Crimes Bill which gives the police far greater ability to detain protesters for expressing their legal rights and the recent suggestion that the law could be changed force agency employers to supply workers to take over the duties of striking workers. The right of citizens to strike and workers to collectively bargain is a cornerstone of our democracy.
A focus from ministers on real issues, rather than Culture War topics – when Rishi Sunak announced his leadership campaign, he chose to focus on banning NHS guidance which aims to use sympathetic language for transgender people - instead of a cost of living crisis that will cause unfathomable levels of hardship and suffering in this country. The new health secretly banning the use of the Oxford comma in the NHS and Boris Johnson’s obsession with imperial measurements also spring to mind. People deserve a government concerned with the welfare and safety of its populous – not winning Twitter debates.
If there is to be any liveable future, there needs to be far more done to combat the Climate Crisis. The government should heed the warnings that scientists have been giving us for decades. I acknowledge that the UK has made more progress in this area than a lot of developed nations but as the country that industrialized the world, it is our responsibility to do as much as possible to save it. A green new deal, which reduces the climate impact of energy, housing, farming, transport and, industry is desperately overdue.
The consistent lack of new social housing and the seemingly unstoppable increase in buy to let landlords has left us with a decades long housing crisis. If we are to remain a nation of home owners, more needs to be done to make the market palatable to first time buyers, I would like to see bills similar to that passed in New Zealand in 2018, which denies foreign investors the ability to buy up homes. If we are to become a nation of renters, like some of our European friends, then I would like to see an increase in council housing and rent controls brought in for private landlords.
Finally, Wales, my home nation, has a long political voting tradition this differs greatly from that of our neighbours and as such I believe increased devolution is a best solution to prevent the breakup of the United Kingdom. I view recent attempts to undermine the authority of the Welsh government, such as the 'United Kingdom Internal Market Act,' doing just as much damage to the Welsh people’s belief in the Union as Independence campaigners. Acts that force devolved nations to follow UK law in areas that are devolved should be repealed and no such authoritarian legislation should be brought forward in future.