On 12 September 2022 I'm setting off on a five day walk from North Hertfordshire to 10 Downing Street to deliver a simple message to the new Prime Minister: Stop talking…and listen to us!

We all deserve to have our voices heard by the politicians that are supposed to represent us. The next months and years seem really scary for most of us, and it’s difficult to see how future generations could possibly achieve a good life for themselves. Something desperately needs to change. Unfortunately, those in power in the UK are distracted and not actually listening to us…read more

Katie | Liverpool stoptalking listen Katie | Liverpool stoptalking listen

Everything seems to have reached a crisis point and I do not feel that the government cares to help or support anyone other than their own. It is time for change!

Here is a list of what I would like to ask of the government:

1. To ban conversion therapy for all LGBT+ people.

2. To better fund NHS transgender healthcare services.

3. To invest more in renewable energy sources and less in finite resources.

4. Stop the deportation of asylum seekers.

5. Provide safe routes of access to the UK for refugees and asylum seekers.

6. Increase minimum wage in proportion to rising inflation.

7. Subsidise energy costs for the winter so families do not go cold.

8. Increase wages for NHS healthcare workers by 15%. As healthcare workers have lost 1/5 of their wages in real terms since 2010.

9. To call a general election so we can have our say!

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