On 12 September 2022 I'm setting off on a five day walk from North Hertfordshire to 10 Downing Street to deliver a simple message to the new Prime Minister: Stop talking…and listen to us!

We all deserve to have our voices heard by the politicians that are supposed to represent us. The next months and years seem really scary for most of us, and it’s difficult to see how future generations could possibly achieve a good life for themselves. Something desperately needs to change. Unfortunately, those in power in the UK are distracted and not actually listening to us…read more

Leah | London stoptalking listen Leah | London stoptalking listen

I would like to see the government taking real steps to make change. In my adult lifetime no British government can be said to have taken any measures that can be considered 'bold' or 'drastic' when the cost of living crisis, Brexit-era social division, and the climate crisis require exactly this. Price caps, rent caps, and comprehensive environmental policies may not please big corporations but are the only way the UK can navigate today's world without leaving the majority behind for scraps. Good luck Stefanie and team!!

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Vieri | London stoptalking listen Vieri | London stoptalking listen

Climate breakdown is the biggest emergency. In "Hothouse Earth", UCL professor Bill McGuire explains the already baked-in consequences of the excessive carbon pumped in the atmosphere. This includes the ongoing melting of the Greenland ice coverage, causing sea rising and gulf stream weakening. Liz Truss, your government needs to lower the demand of energy by increasing house insulations, heat pump installations. It also needs to invest in renewable energy to cover the energy supply side of the energy provision.

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Anon | London stoptalking listen Anon | London stoptalking listen

Young people in the South-East who aspire to get on to the property ladder could really do with more Government support than they currently receive. Unless you are on an unusually high salary, the current market regularly forces individuals to either relocate far from friends/family, far from jobs, or turn to family for financial support.

I was fortunate enough to receive support from family and buy my first property in my mid-20's, but I don't know anyone my age in the same position (or even anywhere close to it). Many friends I've spoken to are deeply depressed by their situation, and feel they cannot properly plan their future until their living situation becomes more stable.

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Marph | London stoptalking listen Marph | London stoptalking listen

The Tories are no longer standing for the population of Great Britain…But they stand for their own self interests, and enrichment of their donors. The taxpayer should not simply hand money to the energy giants to subsidise their profiteering. If we don’t nationalise them we should hit them with a meaningful tax that covers as much of the price rise as possible.

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